FFH June Updates

As I type I am getting ready to head to a Sunday am swim at the Fox Chapel Racquet Club. Despite the rainy season, we have only had to get out of the water early once this season and haven't had to cancel. Our pools have not flooded. Despite a crazy bunch of coaching schedules, we have always had someone to lead us in our swims. I think Matt ran the Rachel Carson Trail yesterday (cannot wait to hear how he did), Andy has spent the last few weeks when not working helping move his parents, Dan's oldest daughter graduated and Thor did just get married! Both Cory and Lindsay were certified to guard earlier this season- so we now have volunteer FFH who can step in and coach/guard when needed. Lindsay ran practice last week, Cory when Thor got married.

What is so amazing about this team is that it truly is a living organism. It doesn't depend on one brain, one being. And organically people step up and step into roles. It breathes on its own (bilaterally of course).  We are welcoming a bunch of new swimmers this summer. Some will stay for the summer and others will stay for the year-- welcome to all. Our goals are to provide good workouts and instruction, allow for varying levels of swimming and to keep egos at bay. Thank all of you who have made this so much fun, for welcoming swimmers into your lane for making us all laugh, sharing your equipment and stories. Please share your unswimming life accomplishments, I am hoping my tech people can help me create a space here for it-- we love being proud of who you are and what you are doing.  Enjoy these summer photos-- outdoor group showers @ CSC, lockouts at the FCHS at the break of dawn, FCRC and an amazing quote from the Must See Film Kim Swims. Check it out @kimswims. Up there with Meru and Free Solo but better!  


July 2019 (Floods n@)


How Can it Be May Already?